Pot-luck supper and Carolling on December 2nd at 5:00pm
Pot-luck Supper and Carolling
The Christian Development Committee invites you
to celebrate the Christmas season on Sunday, December 2 with a potluck
supper and carolling around the Mount Royal neighbourhood! It begins at 5
pm with fellowship and food. Bring a salad or entrée (plan to take your dish
home to wash it). Drinks, plates and cutlery will be provided and CD will be on
cleanup duty. Dress warmly and festively as we head out to sing after the
potluck. Everyone who loves carols is welcome, regardless of ability. Musicians
are encouraged to bring an instrument if weather permits! Afterward, return to
the church for hot drinks and cookies. If you live in the neighbourhood and
want a visit or know anyone we should visit, please tell us on the sheet at the
back of the church.