Ways to Give

There are many ways to give to Mount Royal United Church, Moncton.
Remember you can specify how you wish to designate the funds regardless of the way you choose to make your donation (local, M&S, building/roof, outreach-local or in memory or to honour someone).

Please take all necessary precautions with personal banking information. Please DO NOT send scanned or photographed images by email because it is not secure and there is sensitive financial information on the form.

Pre-Authorized Remittance (PAR):
This is the easiest way to ensure Mount Royal continues to receive your givings. An amount which you specify, is automatically deducted from your bank account and remitted directly to the account of the church. That way, we receive your donation when we are closed for any reason or you are away. You are able to make changes at any time by contacting the church office.

Click Here for the brochure that explains how Pre-Authorized Remittance works from the United Church of Canada

Click Here for the form you should use to authorize your remittance.

During the Covid-19 pandemic you can make changes to your PAR givings by contacting the church office at 506-855-5771 or by email at office@mountroyaluc.ca

An easy and secure way to donate/pay for items is by e-transfer from your online banking to: etransfer@mountroyaluc.ca When you are on your bank website, you will be required to enter a question & answer when setting up your e-transfer. Please ensure the password is obvious or provided to Emily in  the office so the funds can be deposited.

You can make an secure online donation with your Credit Card through our secure payment portal with Square. Donations in any amount, designated to any of our programs, and / or in memory / honour of someone. Please keep in mind that, Mount Royal uses "Square" payments to provide this service and square payments charges a 4% service fee. Thanks!
Click here for online payment portal.

By Cheque:
Mailed directly to the church office at 106 Mount Royal Blvd, Moncton, NB, E1E 2V2. If you plan to send post-dated cheques, please consider sending them to the church in one batch.

During the church office closure, the mail box is checked regularly. If you would prefer to have your donation picked up at your home, please call the office 506-855-5771.

Canada Helps:
Is a not-for-profit, Canadian registered charity which exists to enable other charities to receive on-line gifts. It allows you to make an on-line donation using a credit card. Please note your charitable tax receipt will be issued by Canada Helps and not through the church office so it will not appear on your annual giving statement.

Go to https://www.canadahelps.org/en/dn/47811
You can search for Mount Royal United Church. Be sure to choose Moncton as there are several.

Finally, if you are interested in donating securities, please contact the Church Treasurer, Joe Avery.


© 2011 Mount Royal United Church | 106 Mount Royal Blvd, Moncton NB E1E 2V2 | 506-855-5771
info@mountroyaluc.ca | All Rights Reserved