What's coming up at Mount Royal? 2021
What's coming up at Mount Royal? Advent Christmas Epiphany
Nov 28th - 10:15 AM - HOPE Hanging of the Greens and lighting of the Memorial Christmas Tree
Hear how many of our seasonal decorations are tied to our faith traditions.
Dec 5 - 10:15 AM - PEACE White Gift Sunday This year, we will be collaborating with the UCW to support two initiatives:
- the Community Friends of St. Georges Anglican Church who could use warm tuques, gloves, scarves, socks, and undergarments in smaller sizes for men and women as well as with personal hygiene items such toothbrushes, toothpaste, deodorant, tampons, and soap, and
- our neighbourhood school, Bessborough, in ensuring families receive food basket assistance. Grocery gift cards and monetary donations would be appreciated.
Dec 12 - 10:15 AM - JOY A visit from a special guest for worship Dec 12 - 7:00 PM - Carol Sing Led by the Choir, with Cathy Elderkin as emcee. GNB restrictions permitting, plan to join in singing your favourite seasonal carols. Your family and friends and folks from the neighbourhood are welcome. This is sure to add some joy to your Christmas preparations.If weather and COVID restrictions permit, we would love to hold this outside. We'll follow GNB COVID protocols for social distancing and mask wearing. Bring a lawn chair if you wish to sit, dress warmly and bring a mug for hot chocolate. And if the weather forces us inside, you can enjoy the beautifully decorated sanctuary.The Carol Sing will be live streamed so plan to join us in person, if possible, or online for some holiday joy. Get ready to sing your hearts out!Dec 18 - 7:00 PM - Blue Christmas Service will be available for watching online. This is a service acknowledging that not everyone loves the Christmas season. Some folks are lonely or feeling overwhelmed. Allow yourself to stop all the hustle and bustle for a short, reflective service. Dec 19 - 10:15 AM - LOVE - last Sunday of AdventDec 24 - 7:00 PM - Christmas Eve Service Children are welcome. Pre-registration is requested. Please see the registration form on the church website. Because there may be unvaccinated children present, mask wearing, and social distancing will be required and no congregational singing will be permitted. There will be a pageant based on the book "The Grumpy Shepherd" presented by the children of Mt Royal. Should be fun to see so many of the children. Be sure to join us for this family-oriented service on the eve of the day we celebrate Christ's birth.Dec 26 - 10:15 AM - No in person worship. Please join us for a recorded Lessons and Carols service. Live stream begins with music at 10:15. Jan 2 - 10:15 AM - Regular in person worship and live-streamed. Continue singing the beautiful carols of the seasonJan 9 - 10:15 AM - Epiphany Join us in person or online for a service of light.